The Italian Supreme Audit Institution has always stood out for its ability to get involved and experiment with innovative technological solutions.
Thereof, the choice in recent years to adopt the Cloud as a new infrastructural paradigm and DevOps as the main development method.
The 11th of January 2019, Consip launched an open tender for the procurement of development, maintenance, management, and support services for the Information System of the Jurisdictional Sections and the Prosecutors of the Italian Supreme Audit Institution.
The tender was won by the Temporary Grouping of Enterprise (TGE) consisting of Enterprise Services Italia S.r.l., Capgemini Italia S.p.A., Eustema S.p.A., and Net Service S.p.A.
The assignment will have a duration of five years.
Massimiliano Tambini, Chief Operating Officer of Net Service explains, “The goal of the TGE, including Net Service, is to pursue the innovative solutions available on the market today (e.g. SecDevOps and Blockchain). We will also support Sogei and the Italian Supreme Audit Institution in identifying IT solutions that, perfect for their purposes, will probably see a larger adoption in the near future».