
Secure multiple signature management system for certified documents

A certified immutable signature

B-Signature, thanks to the Ethereum public Blockchain and the use of Ethereum Smart Contract, guarantees:

  • Document integrity certification
  • Date of creation of the document
  • Document version
  • Identity certification of one or more signatories
  • Safe and secure process of “signature of the document

Download B-Signature card

Features of B-Signature

Multiple Signatures
With B-Signature multiple subjects can co-sign the same document, at the same time or at different times. This feature was engineered to avoid the “cascade” digital signatures that may alter the document to be signed by multiple subjects.

B-Signature time-stamps the document. The creation date is permanently registered on the public Blockchain and cannot be edited or removed.


The certification of the document on the Blockchain guarantees the integrity and immutability of its content over time.

The smart contract allows to manage the versions of the document ensuring the inalterability of the management action and the identification of the signatories for each version.

Legal validity
The “Simplification Decree” of the Italian Parliament recognises legal validity to the Blockchain acknowledging Blockchain’s “role of temporal validator of written documents and counterpart identifier”.

The advantages of adopting B-Supply

Rapidity of application
B-Signature can be quickly adopted by any organisation or group of organisations to turn traditional work into remote work.

No set-up cost
A ready-to-use application provides the enabling technology.
SaaS provisioning avoids investment costs and guarantees
application scalability.

Wide-range applicability
B-Signature is immediately applicable to public sectors such as the national health system, the civil protection, charities, local public administrations, prefectures, police headquarters where a multiplicity of professional staff must ensure compliance with laws and regulations, without the availability of digital signature or certified email.

Full web or mobile
The system allows easy integration with full web signature applications and with mobile applications.

Would you like to know more about B-Supply?

Contact Net Service. Our experts will be more than happy to answer your questions and explain in detail the solution’s features and advantages.