

Artificial Intelligence at the service of Justice


Main objective of the operation: Enhancement of the regional and national innovative system

DESCRIPTION: The project aims to incorporate new technological tools in the artificial intelligence sector into a single framework, in order to create a reusable library of open source software, that can enrich a generic information system with an additional semantic layer that provides advanced functions to support strategic decisions.

CUP: J37H18000420006 
AMOUNT FINANCED: 483.791,05 €
CONTACT: [email protected] |


A framework of AI tools

The Metagiustizia project aims to integrate emerging technological tools in the Artificial Intelligence sector into a single framework so as to create a reusable library of Open Source software agents. A library able of enriching a generic information system with an additional semantic layer that provides advanced functions for supporting strategic decisions.

A new intelligent system

The objective of the project is to analyse, design, implement and test an intelligent system version to support the decisions of the various Justice-related workforce (magistrates, clerks, lawyers, consultants, judge's auxiliaries), using specialized functions on the global data domain found in the Justice information system.

By intelligent system we mean a complex of advanced functionalities strongly linked to the Justice domain, where the technologies needed to create a permanent information network are integrated so as to support the aforementioned workforce both in jurisdictional decisions and in organizational optimization of the Judicial Offices.

Concrete support for justice

The system originates from the Knowledge Base made up the information contained in the computerized records of the Chancellor’s Office used by the Judicial Offices, as well as by records and procedural documents, produced in electronic format by various personnel during the trial and archived in the Electronic File. Due to the complexity of the data managed in each trial, the persons involved need to analyse a large number of procedural documents, rules, jurisprudence, monographic texts on law, procedures and deadlines that often cause delays, if not actual mistakes.

Metagiustizia’s aim is to take advantage of the possibilities offered by the automation of the Telematic Process, and the relevant Electronic File, to carry out the following processing:

Support for jurisdictional decisions:

  • analyse the practices and the precedents;
  • understand the orientation on specific subjects and cases in order to reduce the introduction of new procedures and eliminate exploration causes;
  • targeted access to merit and doctrine jurisprudence in order to speed up the drafting of proceedings documents and sentences.

Support for the organizational activities of the Offices:

  • introduce organizational changes to speed up and optimize the planning of procedural activities (hearings, reservations, sentences) of the individual magistrate or of the courts, beginning with the extraction of patterns and trends of the data stored in the Knowledge Base.

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